芜湖福路特食品机械有限公司(原昆山亿励德食品机械有限公司)坐落于安徽省芜湖市经济技术开发区桥北工业园保顺路公交站旁,公司成立以来,始终追随世界先进水平,不断的改进创新。以质量和信用为本,规范管理,使我们的产品**全国市场。我们的产品已广泛用于冷冻调理食品加工、乳制品加工、农副产品加工、渔产品加工、食品及物流仓库输送系统等行业。 Wuhu Foroot Foods Machine Co., Ltd is located near Baoshun Bus Station, Qiaobei Industrial Zone, ETDZ, Wuhu City, Anhui Province, P.R.China, we follow world advanced technology from the establishment and do continuous improvement and innovation. Quality and credit is always our foundation, plus normative management, our products are widely sold all around China. Our products are widely used for processing of freezing precook foods, dairy products, agricultural and sid..